It would be easy to be sad, to get wrapped up in the sounds, smells, and experiences of that day. But last night as I laid in bed, I decided that I would not. Instead, today I want to celebrate Grey's life. Grey was given to me as a gift, on borrowed time. I was lucky enough to be his mom. I would do it all over again just to have those 11 months, 3 weeks, 1 day, 14 hours, & 8 minutes.
Today, we have decided to release balloons, six of them.
Please help us celebrate today, wherever you are. I'm asking, if you'd like, to post a comment of your favorite memory of Grey or how he has touched you. I'd like to share them with the boys.
If you cannot post here (I've heard it can be difficult if you don't have an account) please send it to my email, nicnbill@gvtc.com. I will check it throughout the day.
Again, thanks for all of your support. Your love for our Grey is amazing!
And . . . just a legislative update:
HB 1795 is on the Governor's desk waiting to be signed. He has told us that he and the 1st lady are very much in favor of Greyson's Law. We are still waiting to hear if will can have a ceremonial signing. If not, it becomes law on June 21st, which is both my birthday and Father's Day.
I'll never forget holding Grey for the first time. He was only a few days old and mommy had brought him up to school. As I held him I was in awe at his eyes. Those eyes were amazing and seemed so much wiser than any of us.
I haven't shared this second memory with anyone. I will now. A couple of weeks before Grey passed, his daddy had him up at school. He came to my room holding Grey. We talked for a bit and said goodbye. As daddy walked away Grey was looking at me over his shoulder. I was waving goodbye and being silly. He stared at me over his daddy's shoulder with those eyes that seemed to look deep into your soul, then he grinned ever so slightly. I melted.
I am so grateful to all of you for sharing Grey with us. Thank you.
I never had a chance to know Grey, but he has made a lasting impression on me. Grey brought you in Hannah's life, and for that, we will be eternally grateful for such a wonderful gift.
I have many wonderful memories of Greyson. But, one in particular is very dear to me.
It was a Sunday evening and I had stopped by to drop something off, Bill was working, and you needed to pick up the boys from your Mom's. You asked me if I wouldn't mind watching Grey for a minute. You passed him off to me and headed out the door. I still remember how he just melted into my chest and rested his sweet little head on my shoulder. But, after a second or two, he realized that you were gone and started to fuss. I tried the swing, & talking to him...nope, wasn't working. As I walked him around the living room, I noticed Riley's punching bag and I had an idea! I playfully took a jab at it, Grey thought that was hilarious, he laughed and giggled as we danced back and forth. After a few minutes Grey started to get bored. He decided it was time for a new game! He turned his head and gave me a kiss, then another, then another, and another! This continued until you got back with Seth and Riley! It was just a short 15 minutes that you were gone. But, that 15 minutes of laughter & kisses will last a life time!
When I think of Greyson I can still feel his head resting on my shoulder and the brush of his kisses against my cheek. I love and miss him very much!
It's hard to pick one. I love Grey's smile and laugh! I remember one day Bill coming to school to get the boys and Grey was in his car seat. As I walked up to the car he saw me coming with those big beautiful eyes and then came the smile then the laugh. I remember playing peek a boo outside of the window with him while we were waiting for the boys and he was laughing and laughing. He was being so silly even as Bill drove away.
His brothers are lucky because they have a special little brother that is always watching over them - so they had better look out :)
I remember one day walking up to the car while Grey was in his carseat and I started talking and laughing at him. He opened his mouth wide and laughed. And those eyes!!! Who couldn't just be blown away by his eyes. They seemed to say so much without one word even being spoken. What a precious gift! We miss you sweet boy!
I started reading your blog just a short time before Grey passed away. My heart has ached for you as you share your greif, and has soared as you share Grey's legacy.
Our daughter was diagnosed with autism in April. Children like Grey have reminded our family that all children - no matter thier abilities or how long they are here on this earth - are precious and they all have gifts to share.
I have never met you or your family, but I think of you and Grey often.
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