This is Hannah and her mom, Carrie. Hannah has Gaucher's. Visit her site at http://www.littlemisshannah.com/. We built a bear in memory of Grey.

It doesn't get much better than seeing DMB at the Woodlands.

Then Melinda, Ceci, & I visited that big ass statue of Sam Houston on the way to Dallas.

Me & Melinda

How could you not want to pick his nose? I wonder how many hands have been in there? Oh no, Swine Flu! Good thing we had Warm Vanilla Sugar anti-bacterial lotion from B&BW.

And then I figured out that it really is OK to still enjoy the things I love, even though I've lost my Grey. DMB closed both shows with Grey Street. It was totally a sign from my Little Man.
It looks as though you had a fabulous time! I am so happy for you. You deserve it! Loved the picture of you picking the nose.
Thanks for the BEST weekend ever!!!DMB (Two Step was my favorite - I was so crying!), the statue, meeting adorable Hannah and Carrie (thanks for the dinosaurs and turtles :), Rainforest Cafe, throwing money at the toll booth and those CRAZY (putting it nicely) Dallas fans!! It was all worth it - I'm sure Grey loved seing you smile :)
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