Such was the case today when I heard of the passing of Kayla Rose de Visser. My heart aches for her family and friends. And although I take comfort in the fact that Kayla to longer suffers within her broken body, I am infuriated that yet another family loses a part of them to this horrible disease.
As we were driving home, Riley and I were talking about Kayla. At first he was sad. But then a smile came to his face.
"Hey Mom, I bet Kayla gave Grey a kiss for us," he said.
The thought of that made me smile.
Fly high & play hard, Little Kayla. Your broken body no longer contains you.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the de Vissers. If you would like to learn more about Kayla's story you can click on the link below:
My heart and prayers go out to Kayla Rose's family. I know it's beyond hard Nicole. Thinking of you!
OMG, she was just a month or so older than Hannah! This just breaks my heart (I'm having one of those days anyways).
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