This morning 2 men in suits approached our home, Bibles in hands. Seth and Riley were on the front porch, firing off their AirShot guns. Seth hollered to me, "Mom, there are two men in suits wanting to talk to you."
Great. This is not how I planned on starting out my morning. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against people wanting to share their faith with me, just not at 9 AM on a Saturday. I jumped out of my pajamas and into some clothes and walked out on the porch to greet them.
"Have you ever thought about what Heaven is like?" asked one of the men.
"Of course we do," said Ry. "That's where my baby brother lives. He died at Christmas time, right before he had his first birthday. We had all the stuff for his party, but then he had to get that stupid Krabbes and he died. I know that God gave him a great 1st birthday party with a good cake up in Heaven."
I don't think I've ever seen a man in a suit speechless, but both of them were.
Then Seth chimed in, "I have PKU and they tested me. But they didn't test Grey for Krabbes and he died. Mom, go get them one of Grey's brochure so they can write the Legislators."
I bet that's the first time those men in suits left some body's home with more than they came with, an earful about Heaven and a brochure educating them on newborn screening.
Have we ever thought about what Heaven is like?
Everyday. It's where our Grey lives.
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