Again I am reminded of the gifts that Grey continues to give, both to me and others.
A grandma walked up to me today. She looked at me and smiled. Then she stepped toward me and hugged me. She started to tell me her story. Her grandchild was born on September 1st. She wanted to let me know, that because of Greyson, her grandchild would be healthier because of the benefits of Texas' expanded newborn screening program. She wanted me to know that because it was September 1st, she was honored that her grandchild would be one of the first babies screened for the additional disorders that Greyson's Law ensures.
As my heart burst with pride, it also broke, as I had to tell her that although Greyson's Law is effective since September 1st, the state has a year to put the program into place, having to recalibrate it's equipment. I gave her Grey's website and told her that there she could find additional screening through PerkinElmer. She hugged me and thanked me again, telling me that she hoped I realized how many lives Greyson's loss will change.
And although I realize that, realistically 150 babies could go undetected here in Texas from September 1st of 2009 until September 1st of 2010. So I have to make this very clear. If you live in Texas and are expecting, or know someone that is, you will need to do your own supplemental screening if your baby is born before 9/1/10. Click here for information on PerkinElmer's supplemental screening.
But as I type, I realize that maybe it won't be 150 children. That maybe, because of Greyson, someone who would have otherwise been uneducated about Texas' Newborn Screening Program, is now educated. I also realized that three months from now, if a woman gets pregnant, her baby will receive Texas' expanded newborn screening. That's exciting to me.
I just can't believe that this has all come about because of my Grey. He truly was a gift. And to others, many of them unknowing, he will give a greater gift. The gift of life.
Shine on baby boy. Shine on.
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