There are so many things that Grey taught me.
Our nurse told us that people die like they lived their life. And although we had been told that Grey would be unaware of what was happening to him, I can tell you that they were wrong. He wasn't afraid, he was just going out on his terms. Grey left this world fighting. I swear I saw that boy leave and come back at least three different times. Just when I thought it was over, he'd take another breath. I finally had to walk away. It was just to painful to watch. When our pastor came, we prayed for speed. Probably more for us than for Grey. Our hearts just hurt.
On any other given day, it would have been nap time. Bill laid down on their usual couch and placed Grey on his chest, head on his heart. Five minutes later, he was gone.
Grey was a fighter from the very beginning, hard-headed as they come. There would be nights that I would wrestle him to sleep. There would be days that Bill and the boys would tussle with him, his laughing uncontrollable. What his body lacked, his spirit made up for. Everything you needed to know about him, you saw in his eyes.
Grey's death has taught me just how important every breath really is. He taught me to never give up. He taught me to live each moment to it's fullest. He taught me to do the best with what you're given, and to be grateful for it.
There are many, many things we take for granted in this world. Don't ever let your children be one of them. Celebrate we will, because life is short but sweet for certain.
I don't have adequate words, only tears. I do want to thank you for sharing the words of your heart.
Because of Grey I am a better mother. On those days I find myself frustrated and overwhelmed with the kids.... I remember to treasure every moment, and live every moment to the fullest, thanks to Grey.
Everything you needed to know about Greyson, you did see in his eyes! Grey's eyes from the moment I met him, captivated me. They truly sparkled with pure joy and unspoken wisdom. He taught me how very, very vital family is in our lives. I will NEVER take my family for granted again! I am so proud to be your aunt. I love you!
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